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      Fast Open of local web applications

      Rossen Karpuzov · Wednesday, 27 March - 09:35 edit


    During development process usually we use the personal computer at first step. Most of modern frameworks create a listening port for itself and provide ready-to-browse content. In other words - rise-up a web server on some high port + limited to the localhost as IP address.

    You are here may be thanks to some search engine (this will be in the future, not right now while I wrote the post) and I want to make a list in the post which with one click you will open your app. Do not use it when your app is closed and no listening service. This only works if you know what you do. Otherwise create your account in Movim and discover our social decentralized network. Also, if you not see your app/port here - feel free to comment to thi post and I will add it.

    Have fun!

    The list:

    Dancer2 opens localhost port 5000 or with digits

    NodeJS opens localhost port 3000 or with digits

    NodeJS and others open localhost port 8000 or with digits

    A lot of test apps and proxy servers open localhost port 8080 or with digits

    In some reason you may try to open localhost port 80 or with digits